Why Soccer Up America™?
- Because we were the first to present the most viable solution: The Global Standardization of Soccer™
- 100% Success! All clients have been able to connect with a Coach in order to find out where they stand! This is our ONLY Promise!
- Every Client (100%) is now playing soccer in college, no matter their playing skills (REC or Travel) brought to our service.
- Because we listened to you and fellowshipped with you!
- Because we “Get It”!
- Because we designed, built and implemented a better Soccer Mouse Trap™ for you and more importantly, the success of your children.
- Because we want to “Win” a World Cup!
- Every client had received D1/D2/D3/NAIA; Christian Schools; Military Service Academy and other offers too.
- Every Client received Roster Spot Offers and in fact most receive 100s of offers.