College Campus Online™ Admissions Resource Center
Applications and Admissions:
We will guide and assist you as you navigate what at times seems like shark infested waters breaming with deadlines, rules, coaches and numerous fitness and health related obstacles and challenges. Our proven team will also:
- Provide Personal Counseling Services for you, the Student Athlete and your family
- Explain the Admissions Process as it relates to Sports Recruiting and Scholarships
- Ensure that you are on schedule and/or ahead of your peers as you compete for college admissions and highly sought after Financial Resources and Team Roster Spots
- Make sure that you have the opportunity to attend college without significant debt because when it comes to college finances, our Motto is:“Free is Good For Me!”

Admissions Metrics
Our Promise To You! Our Admissions Resource Center Team will personally track and assist the Potential Student Athlete (PSA) with management of the Critical Standards/Tasks (500 Points) that you need to complete in order to attain success. We will also make sure that you are armed with the knowledge and/or tools to meet or have met the following Critical College Application and Admissions Standards/Tasks We will be there to assist and help you every step of the way through-out your Collegiate Application and Recruiting Process in order to remove stress from your lives and place your High School Years on “Cruise Control!”