The College Campus Online™ Admissions Resource Center
Scoring | Readiness Ratings | Readiness Rating Analysis |PSA Feedback
Applications and Admissions:
We will guide and assist you as you navigate what at times seems like shark infested waters breaming with deadlines, rules, coaches and numerous fitness and health related obstacles and challenges. Our proven team will also:
- Provide Personal Counseling Services for you, the Student Athlete and your family
- Explain the Admissions Process as it relates to Sports Recruiting and Scholarships
- Ensure that you are on schedule and/or ahead of your peers as you compete for college admissions and highly sought after Financial Resources and Team Roster Spots
- Make sure that you have the opportunity to attend college without significant debt because when it comes to college finances, our Motto is:“Free is Good For Me!”

College Campus Online Admissions Resource Center Metrics:
Scoring | Readiness Ratings | Readiness Rating Analysis |PSA Feedback
College Campus Online Admissions Resource Center (1)
Admissions Resource Center (1) College Readiness Rating
Our Admissions Resource Center (1) and its state of the art Test Tracking Application(500 Points Possible) will track and assist the Student Athlete with management of the Admissions Tasks. The Results of the PSA’s ability and drive to complete the tasks are then manually or computer generated and scored in order to give all parties involved the PSA Admissions and Recruiting process an update as to the recruits status and overall progress. The results are measured, monitored and tracked in real time as the College Readiness Rating. This rating is usually made available to and used by:
- Coaches: Will use this result to quickly determine PSA availability as their Recruiting Deadlines approach and they are at times desperately looking for a “Good Fit” or a PSA to round out recruiting for Roster Spots and even for faster Scholarship Award This toll can significantly speed the college acceptance; Team Selection and Financial Award/Scholarship process as financial resources are being fought over my 1,000s of PSAs and are valued dwindling resources. So this means that timely completion of these takes before the beginning of your senior year and even especially before you contact any Coach is and can be a potential Game Changer or life changing event
- Parents: Parents can also view this information, unless the student is over the age of 18 and blocks the parent from viewing their secure administrative files and records. Parents will be prompted via email and Text Messaging and even their phones as to the overall status and standing of their children. This makes sure that the major players in the Admissions and Recruiting game are all kept well informed and up to date. This then eliminates panic and last minute stress while allowing for a total team cohesive effort.
- High School Guidance Counselors: Students and parents can give High School Administrators access to their information and progress tracking. School Districts may also have unrestricted access to such information when the student is signed up under their service. Counselors are part of the process as they are valuable and at times the most valued resource and ally that the student can have.
- College Mentors/Counselors: Once given a secure access pin, selected Trained Licensed and Certified Counselor can access PSA files in order to provide critical counseling and mentoring services when requested by The PSA, Coaches and Parents
Example: Admissions Resource Center College Readiness Rating
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College Campus Online Admissions Resource Center PSA Feedback
Our Admissions Resource Center (1) and its state of the art Tracking Application (500 Points) will track and assist the Student Athlete with management College Admissions critical items. After the Completion and receipt of Task and College Readiness Scores; ratings and Analysis, the PSA will then be presented with the opportunity to respond to the information as given.
Admissions Resource CenterPSA Feedback
PSA Feedback and/or Comments:
- I am a Senior and am soon resolving this issue. When this box is click the rating remains the same and follow up or reminder messages are then sent on a weekly or daily basis
- I am NOT a Senior, so please update my rating. If the PSA is not a Senior the application will change the readiness color and rating in the Player Profile based upon tasks checked as completed. If the Player is aJunior, the color would be changed from red to yellow, but not less than a yellow rating. If the player is not a Junior or Senior the color could be changed to green, but that depends on the tasks completed and checked
- I have been accepted into the college of my choice and will be attending that college. When this click box is checked the application automatically turns the area Green and turns off all notification and warning prompts/messages. The PSA can always un-click the Click Box and by doing so will then turn back on all notifications and prompts. A verification prompt would then be sent IAW system default settings or the PSA optional advanced settings
- I am no longer interested in attending college. This selection turns off all College Campus Online™ tracking functions, but allows the player to continue to use the application to track and complete College Readiness Tasks. A verification prompt would then be sent IAW system default settings or the PSA optional advanced settings
- I have decided to join the Military (Armed Forces). This selection turns off all College Campus Online™ tracking functions
- Please turn off this annoying tracking feature. This selection turns off all College Campus Online™ tracking functions
College Campus Online Admissions Resource Center (1) Raw Scores
Our Admissions Resource Center (1) and its state of the art Tracking Application(500 Points) will track and assist the Student Athlete with management of the following critical items: Use PDF Symbol Here and link it to the tables below or add the table on the page:
Admissions Resource Center Raw Scores
Admissions Demographics (360 Points):
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Academic Demographics (140 Points):
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College Campus Online Admissions Resource Center (1)
College Readiness Rating Analysis:
Our Admissions Resource Center (1) and its state of the art Test Tracking Application(500 Points Possible) will track and assist the Prospective Student Athlete (PSA) with management of their Admissions Tasks. The Results of the PSA’s ability and drive to complete the tasks are then manually or computer generated and scored in order to give all parties involved in the PSA’s Admissions and Recruiting process an update as to the recruit’s status and overall progress. The results are measured, monitored and tracked in real time as the College Readiness Rating.
The College Readiness Rating is then analyzed and the results are graphically displayed. The College Readiness Rating Analysis will be filled with critical task comments that are significant in that they identify trends and deficiencies in the compliance process by the PSA usually. The College Readiness Rating Analysis may even compare PSA results against the performance and readiness Ratings of all other recruits with similar Graduation Year and/or other demographics. The results of this significant and important analysis is made available to and used by:
- Coaches: Will use the results of the College Readiness Rating Analysis to guide potential PSAs as to their needs for compliance and this can occur as early as Middle School through High School and College. The can also use the results to quickly determine PSA availability as their Recruiting Deadlines approach and they are at times desperately looking for a “Good Fit” or a PSA to round out recruiting for Roster Spots and even for faster Scholarship Award purposes. This tool can significantly speed the College Admissions Acceptance; Team Selection and Financial Award/Scholarship process as financial resources are being fought over my 1,000s of PSAs and are valued dwindling resources. So this means that timely completion of these takes before the beginning of your senior year and even especially before you contact any Coach is and can be a potential Game Changer or life changing event
- Parents: Parents can also view this information, unless the student is over the age of 18 and blocks the parent from viewing their secure administrative files and records. Parents will be prompted via email and Text Messaging and even their phones as to the overall status and standing of their children. This makes sure that the major players in the Admissions and Recruiting game are all kept well informed and up to date. This then eliminates panic and last minute stress while allowing for a total team cohesive effort.
- High School Guidance Counselors: Students and parents can give High School Administrators access to their information and progress tracking. School Districts may also have unrestricted access to such information when the student is signed up under their school account. Counselors are part of the process as they are valuable and at times the most valued resource and ally that the student can have. They should be a part of our system as a valuable tool in the “Checks and Balances” efforts of the total team. They many times will also take the lead and call for impromptu Counseling Sessions; scheduled interventions and meetings on behalf of all parties involved.
- College Mentors/Counselors: Once given a secure access pin, selected Trained Licensed and Certified Counselor can access PSA files in order to provide critical counseling and mentoring services when requested by The PSA, School Administrators, Coaches and Parents
Example Admissions College Readiness Rating Analysis
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